
The Moment My Airport Layover Turned into an Opportunity to Share the Gospel & Break Through Fear 

It was 1:30pm on a Tuesday at the Denver airport. 

I was on my way back home after my Discipleship Training School (DTS) in Kona, Hawai’i. In six months, my life had turned upside down. I got to know God personally, traveled the world, and learned how to boldly share my faith. 

But what would it be like to go back home? 

I didn’t want to just go back to “normal life” after DTS. God had completely freed me from suicidal thoughts and depression, my life was totally changed. But I didn’t know if I’d have opportunities to share the Gospel like I did in the nations. 

So I was at the airport, just scrolling TikTok.

That’s when I noticed a Middle Eastern woman wearing a hijab sitting on the floor. She placed 10 napkins around her. Then she removed her glasses. All of a sudden, she started to weep. And she didn’t stop crying—her whole body was shaking.

I watched dozens of people walk past without paying any attention to her. 

I prayed and asked God what to do. I couldn’t just sit there and watch, I had to do something.

But I was afraid. What do I even say? What if I say the wrong thing?

I couldn’t help but think the Lord placed me here at this moment for a reason. I didn’t want fear to hold me back. 

I took out my AirPods. I put down my phone, and asked her,  “Are you okay?”

Her eyes brightened up, even as tears streamed down her face. 

“It’s a very hard day for me,” she replied.

She began to tell me that she was a refugee from Afghanistan. She just started working at the airport cleaning bathrooms so her daughter could go to school. Her son was very sick, with many disabilities, and they didn’t know how much longer he would live.

She started crying again as she told me how lonely she felt. 

That’s when I began to share the Gospel with her.

I shared my story of how Jesus set me free from suicidal thoughts and depression. I explained to her that there is God who created her and loves her. That He gave his life for her so that she can have hope in Him. 

I asked if I could pray for her.
She agreed—and began to weep as she experienced peace from the Holy Spirit.

Afterward, she looked at me and said:

“Your God met me at my darkest hour. Thank you so much for telling me about this God.”  

I asked her if she had ever heard of Jesus. She told me the Quran mentions him but she wants to know more about him. I encouraged her to read the Bible and to ask God to reveal himself to her. She gave me a big hug then returned to work.

I realized this moment wouldn’t have happened if I let fear keep me from talking to her. 

There are hurting people all around us. Are you going to let fear keep you from sharing the Gospel and allowing them to encounter the hope found in Jesus? It doesn’t have to. Not anymore. 

You’re called for such a time as this.

By Mado Clark
YWAM UofN Kona